There are three main languages of the web: HTML, CSS, and JS.

We'll take a look at each of them.


Intro to Web

We'll talk about the three languages, how they relate, and see what they look like.

Code along

JavaScript is the big beast, so we'll spend time coding along as Robin builds a small grid-based game.


In groups of around three, you'll start building a game.

You can start from any of the examples we've seen, or if you're feeling confident, start from zero.


IntroToCode repl

The guide starts with an IntroToCode on, an online code editor that lets us try out our coding skills without installing anything.

Mozilla Developer Network

Mozilla Developer Network, often abbreviated to MDN, is the Official documentation for the web. It has guides on all the standard features of HTML, CSS, and JS for the web.

Most helpfully, it has a search feature.

Welcome to France Game

Welcome To France is a grid movement game built in the web. The goal is to collect all the necessary paperwork to establish oneself in France.

This is one of the templates you can use to build your own game.